Readiness Assessment and Customized Roadmap Help Harness the Power for Business Adoption

Is your company ready for ChatGPT? With the recent update of GPT-4, Generative AI is capable of generating more creative outputs such as graphics, stories, sound and more. The development is accelerating at a breakneck pace. Will your business be poised to utilize this powerful capability in a competitive way? Will you tap this advancing technology to gain efficiency and compete like you never have before? Do you have a corporate strategy to implement this prudently throughout your company? 

The contest involving the application of Generative AI has begun. The true winners (or survivors) of the latest era of automation and innovation will be those that can leverage generative AI like ChatGPT with specific high value use-cases with speed and agility versus just putting another technology in the toolbelt to be used in a general way in the company.

What if you could feed ChatGPT with specific company data to help automate manual internal business functions or drive critical business decisions?

Tapping into the potential of company-specific data can unlock numerous opportunities to drive value-adding initiatives internally. Imagine the possibilities of feeding ChatGPT with your organization’s procedures, call logs, or vendor contracts to extract structured or summarized information. This is the key to harnessing the power of ChatGPT and Generative AI in a tailored way that leverages YOUR company data.

However, to fully capitalize on this potential, your organization’s internal data must be well-structured, organized, and accessible, enabling generative AI to access and produce meaningful results.

The question remains: How can your business harness ChatGPT and Generative AI to propel itself into the next era of digitization, automation, and innovation?

A ChatGPT and Generative AI Readiness Assessment is Step One

A comprehensive ChatGPT and Generative AI Readiness Assessment evaluates your organization’s current state, identifying high-value, specific use cases where generative AI can yield transformative outcomes. Armed with this assessment, your company can devise a prioritized business roadmap to develop targeted use cases and address potential gaps in data, technology, or processes that might hinder the effective deployment of ChatGPT or other generative AI solutions.

By proactively investing in an AI strategy that focuses on readiness, businesses can achieve a competitive edge in applying generative AI and ChatGPT technologies. Given the rapid pace of technological advancements, early adopters stand to benefit significantly by harnessing these powerful tools.

Major tech players are already integrating generative AI into their ecosystems. Microsoft has incorporated ChatGPT within Azure, Databricks incorporated Dolly into its platform, and Google is expected to follow suit by integrating Bard—its own generative AI engine—into Google BigQuery.

The implications of these developments are profound. Organizations can now directly connect their strategic data—whether stored in a data lake, enterprise data warehouse, or data lakehouse—to ChatGPT and generate insights and automation based on this information. Companies that feed unique datasets and information into ChatGPT can unlock value across a range of functions and automate processes throughout the enterprise. It is crucial to ask: How much of your organization’s data and contextual information is properly structured, documented, and accessible? Are your CRM, Document Libraries, or ERP systems prepared for seamless data accessibility and integration, or is valuable information locked away and inaccessible?

This Assessment should also include a Customized Generative AI Roadmap

As AI capabilities continue to advance, corporate management must determine the most critical business problems to address using this powerful technology. To facilitate this process, we have developed the Generative AI Assessment—an efficient tool designed to help your organization understand its strengths, weaknesses, and priorities for leveraging AI effectively. The assessment culminates in the creation of a Generative AI Roadmap, which outlines a cohesive set of actions aimed at quickly achieving a competitive edge while minimizing risk and costs.

The Generative AI Assessment provides the following:

  1. Identification, Assessment and Quantification of areas of your business which will be most impacted by this technology.
  2. An initial strategy on how your sector or competitors may utilize AI to gain a competitive advantage in your markets.
  3. Assess and evaluate your current strategic data architecture.
  4. A prioritized time sensitive roadmap built on use cases, integrate current and future data sources, and implement a change management plan for your company that would drive the most value to the company.
  5. A business case for the roadmap of initiatives that generate profit at each step thus creating a virtuous return of each phase providing monies to conduct the following phase.

There is much noise around ChatGPT and Generative AI. You can waste time and money with random siloed efforts across your organization that might not produce any value. Investing in a strategic approach that assesses your data readiness and results in a customized roadmap guiding your efforts will save you time and money and ensure you don’t fall behind your competition.

Content provided by LBMC Business Intelligence professional, Jon Hilton, and LBMC’s Director of Growth, Leisa Gill.

Ready to harness the power of ChatGPT?

Contact us to discuss your readiness assessment and how the customized roadmap will help you gain competitive advantage through AI helping you optimize and grow.