Today, more than ever, employees value benefits packages. Generous employee benefits can be an excellent way to retain talent and to recruit workers in a tight employment market. But while employees typically care about having good benefits, they might not always understand every part of them. So, how do you get the word out about all that your benefits package offers? Here are some thoughts to consider.

Keep It Simple

When it comes to attracting and retaining employees, it’s important to keep messaging surrounding benefits simple and easy to understand. Employees want to know the basics of their benefits package and how it will affect their lives. Keep employee benefits communications simple by breaking them down into three clear categories: healthcare, retirement, and specialty benefits. You could also create a visual presentation or video to use instead of a typical print piece or folder of documents. From the actual benefits to the delivery method, stay creative with your communications plan, but, above all, keep it simple.

Keep It Consistent

To adapt to changing workforce and health and safety conditions, many companies are constantly adjusting their policies and benefits. In this ever-changing environment, it’s critical that employers continuously communicate with their workers. If you want to retain top employees and build solid team morale, you must communicate about benefits often throughout the year. Take advantage of opportunities like monthly e-newsletters, staff meetings, performance reviews, and even social media channels to consistently offer benefits information.

Keep It Accessible

Every employer should provide an employee handbook, which should include information on employee benefits and an overview of how to locate up-to-date benefits information. If possible, provide access to benefits information online. In addition, it’s a must that you provide a direct number for employees to call when benefits questions arise.

Keep It Personalized

While simplifying and maintaining consistency in your benefits communication is crucial, personalization can also make a significant impact. Understand that different employees have different needs and preferences when it comes to their benefits. Consider conducting surveys or feedback sessions to gauge individual interests and priorities. This information can help you tailor your benefits communication to highlight the aspects that resonate most with each employee. Personalized communication can foster a stronger connection between employees and their benefits, making them more likely to appreciate and utilize the offerings provided.

A comprehensive benefits package is one of the greatest employee perks, and it can be an important recruitment tool. Be sure to include basic benefits information in job postings and mention the best perks during job interviews with potential candidates. When it comes to educating staff about the full range of options available to them, strive to find creative ways to ensure they take full advantage of all your company offers.

Contact us today to find out how we can assist you with your employee benefits communication initiatives!

All content and services on this page are offered by LBMC Employment Partners, LLC. LBMC Employment Partners, LLC, is part of the LBMC Family of Companies and is an independent entity with services and products being provided exclusively by LBMC Employment Partners, LLC.

LBMC Employment Partners, LLC, a member of the LBMC Family of Companies, is a world-class professional services firm. LBMC Employment Partners provides a comprehensive suite of human resource-related services to businesses including Professional Employer Organization (PEO) services, HR Outsourcing (HRO), Payroll, Human Resource Consulting, Employee Benefits, and ACA Compliance Consulting. For more information visit 

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