Key Takeaways

  • M&A Market Resilience: Despite shifts in the market, M&A is still a significant activity as CEOs use it strategically to adapt to new conditions such as AI and sustainability.
  • Dominance of Tech Sector: The technology, media, and telecommunications (TMT) industry are responsible for global M&A investments in funding significant innovation and growth, which in turn is expected to rise with the advent of more significant acquisitions where technology becomes a part of different sectors.
  • Value of M&A and Private Equity Involvement: Smaller, strategically aligned deals often generate the most value, allowing companies to remain nimble and reduce risks.

Navigating the M&A Landscape: Embracing Resilience, Technology, and Strategic Growth

The global mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market remains robust despite market volatility, driven by CEOs’ strategic focus on AI adoption and sustainability. Dominated by the tech sector, the M&A landscape highlights the importance of programmatic acquisitions for portfolio optimization and sustained value creation. Success hinges on agility, critical assessment, and leveraging emerging opportunities.

Resilience of the M&A Market

CEOs view M&A as a crucial strategy, particularly for navigating major shifts such as AI adoption and sustainability initiatives. Companies engaging in programmatic acquisitions—strategically managing portfolios through continuous acquisitions and divestitures—often outperform those employing other strategies. This trend underscores the resilience and strategic importance of the M&A market.

Tech Sector Dominance

The technology, media, and telecommunications (TMT) sector leads global M&A deals. As technology integrates into various industries, we can expect an increase in mega deals within the tech sector. This dominance reflects the sector’s critical role in driving innovation and growth across the global economy.

Critical Lens for Portfolio Optimization

For companies aiming to enhance value, it’s vital to assess business segments critically to identify the most profitable areas. Achieving a leading position in specific industry segments can significantly boost value, leveraging the benefits of scale. This approach requires companies to continuously evaluate and optimize their portfolios.

Challenges and Opportunities

As assumptions around growth models and value creation strategies evolve, dealmakers must adapt to the changing landscape. This means seizing emerging opportunities while effectively navigating new challenges. The ability to remain agile and responsive to market changes is key to successful M&A activities.

Leveraging M&A Advisory Services for Tech Growth and Scalability

Strategic Acquisitions

  1. Software Companies: Acquiring new intellectual property and talent is a common strategy. For instance, Cisco Systems’ acquisition of cybersecurity company Splunk illustrates this approach. This type of acquisition enables companies to strengthen their technological capabilities and innovate more rapidly.
  2. Media Industry: Consolidations within the media sector aim to expand consumer engagement. Several U.S. media companies have merged to enhance their market presence and leverage synergies.
  3. Telecom Operators: Optimizing portfolios through acquisitions and joint ventures is a key strategy for telecom operators. This allows them to enhance service offerings and expand their market reach.

Programmatic M&A

Executing a series of smaller, strategically aligned deals often generates the most value. This method tends to outperform large, singular deals or selective M&A strategies.

Programmatic M&A enables companies to integrate new capabilities incrementally, reducing risk and enhancing flexibility. Additionally, it allows for continuous portfolio management, ensuring alignment with long-term strategic goals.

Consistently, this approach has shown to generate excess total shareholder returns of 2.3%, outperforming other strategies. It allows companies to remain nimble and responsive to market opportunities. By methodically integrating new acquisitions, businesses can scale effectively and mitigate integration risks.

Private Equity (PE) Involvement

PE firms are increasingly active in the M&A space, seeking higher returns by rolling up software companies or targeting stable returns from telecom infrastructure investments. Their involvement often brings significant capital and expertise, driving value creation, innovation and market expansion. PE firms also enhance operational efficiency and strategic direction, accelerating growth and competitive advantage.

Higher Valuation with M&A Advisors

Research indicates that companies using sell-side M&A advisors achieve higher valuation multiples. This underscores the value of professional advisory services in the M&A process, ensuring deals are strategically sound and effectively executed. M&A advisors provide critical insights and negotiation expertise, optimizing transaction outcomes and shareholder value.

TMT (Technology, Media & Telecommunications) Trends

TMT Sector’s Role in M&A

TMT companies continue to rely on mergers and acquisitions to offset investment costs and expand revenues. In 2023, the TMT sector contributed 17% of the global M&A value. This includes significant activity from software companies acquiring intellectual property and talent, media industry consolidations, and telecom operators optimizing their portfolios through acquisitions. The sector’s dynamic nature and rapid technological advancements make it a hotspot for continuous M&A activity.

Digital Disruptors

Companies engaging in more than five deals per year experience double the growth rate compared to their peers. Digital disruptors leverage acquisitions to accelerate growth, utilizing technology to enhance their competitive edge. This aggressive strategy enables them to stay ahead of market trends and swiftly incorporate innovative solutions.

Sharp Alignment with Corporate Strategies

As M&A activity resurges, TMT players must develop precise, focused M&A strategies aligned with their overarching goals. This alignment ensures that acquisitions support long-term business objectives and deliver sustainable value. Companies that maintain strategic clarity are better positioned to achieve synergy and maximize the benefits of their M&A endeavors.

Unlocking Value through Strategic M&A in Technology

Tech growth and scaling in the M&A advisory space exhibits resilience, sector dominance, and strategic portfolio optimization. Companies must adapt to evolving models and strategies, leveraging strategic acquisitions, programmatic M&A, and private equity involvement to achieve growth. The continued dominance of the TMT sector highlights the critical role of M&A advisors, presenting dynamic opportunities for those navigating its complexities.

The strategic importance of M&A in driving technological advancement and scaling cannot be underestimated. Companies capitalizing on strategic opportunities are experiencing significant growth, underscoring the value of a proactive approach to M&A, particularly in the tech sector. Technology applications are being rapidly developed by both third-party vendors and national firms, with the most successful companies leading their own tech innovations.

By adopting a strategic approach and leveraging professional advisory services, companies can navigate the complexities of the M&A landscape and achieve sustained growth. Proactive and innovative approaches to mergers and acquisitions allow companies to capitalize on rapid technological advancements and maintain competitiveness in the ever-evolving tech sector.

Partnering with experts helps companies make informed decisions, identify strategic opportunities, and achieve long-term success. Companies that embrace a proactive M&A strategy, develop their own technology, and leverage professional advisory services position themselves for significant growth and success in the fast-paced tech world.

Content provided by Brian Marynowitz, CPA. Brian is a Shareholder in the LBMC Transaction Advisory Services practice. He specializes in providing financial due diligence services for both strategic and financial buyers across a broad range of industries. Brian has advised on the buy-side and sell-side of transactions ranging in value from several million dollars to over $4 billion dollars, including public company and cross-border transactions. Contact Brian at