The 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule was released on July 7, 2022. Highly anticipated changes to physician work RVUs for inpatient evaluation and management services were included in the 2023 proposed rule. These new work RVU changes will affect physician productivity measurement, compensation, and reimbursement on a large scale.

Webinar Duration 27.50

This session will address:

  • Which physician specialties are most impacted by new work RVUs under the 2023 proposed rule
  • Separate and combined effects of 2021 and 2023 work RVU changes on each physician specialty
  • The high variability of 2021 and 2023 work RVU changes among physicians in the same specialties
  • Market observations of how physician employers and commercial insurers have responded to the 2021 work RVU changes to date
  • Paths forward for physician compensation and productivity measurement


Nick Newsad, MHSA – Senior Manager, Healthcare Advisory Services