Andrew McDonald, FACHE

Shareholder, President/CEO, Physician Business Solutions, LLC

Image of Andrew McDonald

University of Alabama, Master of Science degree in Hospital and Health Administration; Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce and Business Administration with Health Care Administration focus

Andrew McDonald is a Shareholder and Practice Leader of LBMC Physician Business Solutions, LLC (PBS).

Andrew works with a team of experienced health care professionals that possess diverse backgrounds and extensive experience in the areas of Compliance, Credentialing, Revenue Cycle Management & Physician/APP Practice Management Service Consulting.

The PBS team provides and works in concert with other areas within the firm to provide expertise and “real world” experience to augment the overall LBMC healthcare deliverable.

During a 35+ year career as either full-time administrator or consultant to a broad range of healthcare organizations, he is experienced in providing the following services for clients preparing to meet the challenges presented by an ever-changing healthcare ecosystem.

  • Compliance Program Development/Gap Analysis
  • Credentialing
  • HIT consulting
  • Human resource management
  • Physician/APP practice management and transaction advisory consulting
  • Revenue cycle management
  • Strategic planning

The American College of Healthcare Executives recognized Andrew as a Fellow of the College in 1994, highlighting his commitment to the highest standards of executive performance, community leadership, and continuing education for the betterment of patient care through outstanding leadership in healthcare entities.  He has held senior leadership positions in the following environments:

  • Hospital
  • Home Health
  • Hospice
  • Physician/APP practice
  • Healthcare Consulting

Andrew services on the Trevecca Nazarene University’s Health Advisory Board and has held adjunct faculty positions with UAB and Vanderbilt. In addition, he’s been published on numerous occasions and routinely speaks to national, regional, and local groups on a wide variety of topics.

Be thankful for your blessings, be great at what you do, and keep all things in perspective.
Andrew McDonald